Wholewheat bread

Wholewheat Pav

The Benefits of Choosing Sourdough Whole Wheat Pav Over Regular Pav

Sourdough bread is a type of bread made using a natural fermentation process. It is typically made from a combination of flour, water, and salt, and uses a starter culture of wild yeast and lactobacillus bacteria. The sourdough starter is created by mixing flour and water and allowing it to ferment for several days, during which time the yeast and

Brown Bread

Brown Bread vs. 100% Whole Wheat Bread

Bread has an early history and has come a long way since then. Whether it be a sourdough, plain white bread, whole grain or as simple as any flatbread. A single change in process or ingredient has the power to add a whole new multitude to this staple food. Dating back to several hundred decades it has evolved its form,

Did You Know Our Wholewheat Pav Is Made With Sourdough?

Did You Know Our Wholewheat Pav Is Made With Sourdough?

Mumbai’s pav is special, different from what you get anywhere else in India. Mumbaikars adore their pav and for some, it is a way of life. The biggest nightmare for them is a life without their beloved vada pav. The main reasons are affordability, availability, taste and the love for Mumbai’s comfort food. Vada pav is the tastiest snack and

Why Our Wholewheat Bread Is White Not Brown

Why Our Wholewheat Bread Is White Not Brown

Healthy or wholewheat bread is not always brown. Most people have a preconceived notion that wholewheat bread is supposed to be brown in colour. This couldn’t be farther from the truth and most of us see the proof ourselves every day at our homes. The flour used to make rotis or chapatis at home is wholewheat flour and as a

Our Wholewheat Focaccia Gets An Upgrade

Our Wholewheat Focaccia Gets An Upgrade

Godly amounts of olive oil, the whiff of spices, the goodness of fresh fruits and vegetables- the Mediterranean cuisine truly deserves the popularity it has. The flavours are very indulging accompanied by highly appealing visuals of the dishes. From falafels to Baba Ganoush to fresh salads, our love for the majestic cuisine knows no bounds. Among the array of wholewheat