The Only Gluten-free Cakes You Need

The Only Gluten-free Cakes You Need

Cakes are one of the best ways to add delightful moments to life. Everyone enjoys a decadent and indulgent slice. But these are not the healthiest foods out there and this is the reason why some of us avoid cakes. Further, most of the ordinary cakes are made of refined flour and people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease have to miss out on the joy. But eating healthy or managing certain health conditions doesn’t always have to be based on compromise. There is definitely a way out. Why not make gluten-free cakes which cater to both the health freaks and people who have some health conditions to manage? That might sound like a hassle due to all the replacements in the cake recipes. Well, you don’t have to worry or look any further because we have done exactly that for you. 

Here we present to you our Gluten-Free Cakes and Gluten-Free Pound Cake.

Gluten-Free Chocolate Cake 

This gluten free cake is the definition of tasty indulgence while being healthy. This is perfectly suitable for people who want to eat healthily. And of course, it is a saviour for people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease. We make our gluten-free chocolate cake a sweet sinner using Dutch cocoa powder. And when you taste it, you know that the cocoa is the star of this show. To make you feel as if you baked it in your own oven, we pack it using FreshLock packaging technology that retains its oven-baked freshness.

Zero trans fat is what makes health-conscious people fancy our gluten-free chocolate cake. The carefully made gluten free mix is what makes this very apt for people who have certain health conditions to manage. 

Gluten-Free Pound Cake 

This one is our gluten-free take on the classic vanilla pound cake. Again, this gluten-free cake is perfectly suitable for people who want to eat healthily. And of course, anyone with gluten intolerance or celiac disease can eat it without any trouble. The goodness of eggs is something which makes this cake even more elegant. To make you feel as if you baked it in your own oven, we pack it using FreshLock packaging technology, just like our other products, that retains its oven-baked freshness.

Zero trans fat is what makes health-conscious people fancy our gluten-free pound cake. The carefully made gluten free mix is what makes this very apt for people who have certain health conditions to manage. This cake is the getaway for you when life starts feeling ‘bland’. 

This is why our gluten-free cakes are devilishly delicious

Firstly, we bake with love and this is what makes our cakes, and all other products as well, delightful bombs. For our gluten-free cakes, we use a gluten free mix which is basically a mixture of cornstarch and potato starch. This mix replaces the flour in the general cake recipes. 

To make these cakes extra-decadent, we use premium ingredients. We use the superior  Dutch cocoa powder for the chocolate variant. Corn flour is used in the pound cake to achieve that light and airy texture which makes it so appealing. 

Our gluten-free cakes are like the ultimate way to suffice all your cravings and the other benefits are a great add on factor too. Now you know what to reach for when you feel like having something sweet. The best part is that you won’t have to feel guilty or worry about the effects that gluten-containing cakes can have on your sensitive gut.

Reasons to go gluten-free

Some people don’t have the choice because their body makes it for them in the form of gluten intolerance and celiac disease. But here are the 3 main reasons why any health-conscious individual should make the switch.

1. It helps to manage the symptoms like bloating, diarrhoea or constipation, gas, fatigue which are a result of a sensitive digestive system. 

2. Switching to gluten-free foods helps to manage the body weight as well.

3. Gluten-free diet is often rich in fibre with ingredients like tapioca starch, potato starch, etc. 






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