Sourdough Bread Recipes

Top 3 Homemade Sourdough Bread Recipes

Sourdough bread is one of the best experiences you can have in the culinary world. We at The Baker’s Dozen believe that you can make absolutely any sort of dish with our sourdoughs, we take pride in it. However, if you have bought our bread and are looking for inspiration as to how to make a tasty dish out of it, look no further, we got you.

So, here are some dishes you can make with the same:

Mint-Cucumber Tomato Sandwich

This is the simplest dish you can go for. Just toast your bread adequately and spread butter over it. Fill in your sliced tomatoes, cucumbers and mint between the two loaves of bread and enjoy this delight. It is a very simple dish attributed to its minimal ingredients and the requirement of next to no cooking experience. You can make this sandwich for your breakfast, or when you go for a picnic, it’s bound to taste delightful.

Savory Party Bread

This dish involves filling up the bread with cheese and baking it at 350 degree celsius. Cut and put in the toppings on your bread. Then bake the bread till the cheese properly melts, When it is properly baked, remove it from the oven and cut it and serve it while piping hot. It is a dish that is relatively simple to make and requires very less prep-time. It tastes the best while hot, but you can also pack it for picnics.

Cheese Chilli Sourdough

This is a The Baker’s Dozen special. You can easily get our Chilli cheese sourdough from our brand stores or online marketplaces. Slice it and apply some cheese on it, then toast it well. This makes the chilli cheese sourdough an amazing delicacy, and it is very easy to prepare.

Do you have any recipes that you’d like to share with us? Do try them with our products, we assure you that you won’t be disappointed.


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