How we developed our Whole Wheat Starter?
Our journey with wholewheat has always been something that’s been inspired by my mother. In 2012, when we started learning the art of sourdough, I was developing recipes using 100% maida. These were not 100% atta but a ratio of wheat and white flour. She made me realise the value of making it with wholewheat and we then started working on wholewheat bread.
In October 2018, we were moving our production from a small kitchen to a commercial factory. I had about 2 months where I was only working on R&D and daily operations were handled by Sneh.
My agenda was to set my mind free and redo the old recipes using new ingredients and develop a new menu. When one is not busy with daily operations, it’s like being set free with wings to fly and thoughts are limitless. Oh, it was a lovely time, it always makes me nostalgic.
When I was redoing my recipes, I was staying with my mom who was helping me out with my 18 month-old twin boys and she said, “Since you are anyway starting afresh, why not make your bread 100% whole wheat!” Now, who doesn’t listen to their Mumma! So I did, and we spoke to some flour millers, tried to understand the milling process, bran content, what was technically different between wholewheat, white flour, bran, etc.
We cracked the formula to making 100% wholewheat sourdough in just a week – after 6 years of trying! Later I was working on some packaging artwork where we wanted to write 100% Atta 0% Maida, and it got me thinking that the claim would not really be honest since the starter, the culture, and the pre-ferment were made using maida. So we started again and said, let’s make the culture wholewheat too. This was a relatively simpler challenge, again after 6 years of trying.
As of Jan 2019, our wholewheat sourdoughs are 100% wholewheat, including the pre-ferment. Now, truly, genuinely and an honest to the bones claim, a 100% Whole Wheat Bread!